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A group of local residents, supported by a tutor from Hardwick in Partnership have recently completed a project looking into their family history and the history of the local area.  This exciting and interesting activity was made possible with a grant from the Heritage lottery Fund.


As well as meeting new friends, all the participants gained new digital skills, found out lots and lots of information about their ancestors and the area they live in, how to create a youtube account and upload their photos and stories and at the end of the project everyone took away a bound booklet detailing their family tree with lots of pictures and historical records relating to their ancestors.


Click on the button below to see the results of their investigations

© 2020   Hardwick in Partnership Ltd, The Enterprise & Initiative Centre, High Newham Road, Hardwick, Stockton on Tees, TS19 8RH

Tel:  01642 808700    email:


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